Search Engine Optimization On-line Training at InfoSchool Bangalore
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a website web presence.
Why SEO at Info School
1 Info School Provides Quality training with the help of industry trainers
2 Enough supply of course material to understand the course
3 Exclusive e-books for specific unit
4 Quality training at minimum cost
5 Course available in both weekdays and weekends classes
6 Sufficient lab hours for hands on practicing
7 Support to trainees from first to last step
8 Project/ Exam/ Need oriented training
9 Opportunity to work with Real Time Cluster
Course Curriculum For SEO
Part- 1 (Basics of SEO)
1 Internet Marketing Concept
2 Search Engine Basics
3 Guidelines for Hosting website
4 Listing site and content on search engines
Part- 2 (On Page Optimization)
1 Guidelines for making search engine friendly websites
2 Google Guidelines
3 Meta Tag Optimization
4 Title and Heading Tag Optimization
Part-3 (Tracking Your Progress)
1 Web Analytics
2 Introduction to Google Adsense
3 Introduction to Google Adword
4 Tips and Tricks for SEO
Part- 4 (Off Page Optimization)
1 Link Exchanging
2 Blogging, Forum Participation and Working with reviews
3 Social Networking Utilization
4 Advertisement Placement
5 GEO Locator
6 Content Dropper
Part- 5 (Project)
1 Live Project (Optional)
Regular, weekend, Fastrack and also Online classes provided for students convenience.
We also provide training PHP, MySQL, Web Technologies, Software Testing, ISTQB, SQL Server, SAS, SAP all Functional & Technical Modules, Java/J2EE, Dot Net, Citrix, Data Warehousing, SEO.
Reach us at:
Info School
# 5/1, 3B Suite,
Rich Home Building,
Richmond Road, Bangalore,
Zip Code – 560025
Next to Sonata Software
Email – [email protected]
Phone – 080 -41226000080 -41226000/1/2/3
Mobile – 77957797797795779779/7795551333
Search Engine Basics, Guidelines for Hosting website, Google Guidelines, Meta Tag Optimization, Web Analytics, Link Exchanging, Tips and Tricks for SEO, GEO Locator, Social Networking Utilization