Module I
Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement
Restricting and Sorting Data
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
Using the Set Operators
Manipulating Data
Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
Creating Other Schema Objects
Module II
[Oracle 11g: PL/SQL Fundamentals]
- Ø Introduction to PL/SQL
- Ø Explain the need for PL/SQL
- Ø Explain the benefits of PL/SQL
- Ø Identify the different types of PL/SQL block
- Ø Output messages in PL/SQL
- Ø Declaring PL/SQL Variables
- Ø Recognize valid and invalid identifiers
- Ø List the uses of variables, declare and initialize variables, use bind variables
- Ø List and describe various data types using the %TYPE attribute
- Ø Writing Executable Statements
- Ø Identify lexical units in a PL/SQL block
- Ø Use built-in SQL functions in PL/SQL and sequences in PL/SQL expressions
- Ø Describe when implicit conversions take place and when explicit conversions have to be dealt with
- Ø Write nested blocks and qualify variables with labels
- Ø Write readable code with appropriate indentation
- Ø Interacting with the Oracle Database Server
- Ø Create PL/SQL executable blocks using DML and transaction control statements
- Ø Make use of the INTO clause to hold the values returned by a SQL statement
- Ø Writing Control Structures
- Ø Identify the uses and types of control structures (IF, CASE statements and expressions)
- Ø Construct and identify loop statements
- Ø Apply guidelines when using conditional control structures
- Ø Working with Composite Data Types
- Ø Create user-defined PL/SQL records
- Ø Create a record with the %ROWTYPE attribute
- Ø Create an INDEX BY table and INDEX BY table of records
- Ø Describe the differences among records, tables, and tables of records
- Ø Using Explicit Cursors
- Ø Distinguish between usage of implicit and explicit cursors, use SQL cursor attributes
- Ø Declare and control explicit cursors, use simple loops and cursor FOR loops to fetch data
- Ø Declare and use cursors with parameters
- Ø Lock rows with the FOR UPDATE clause and reference the current row with the WHERE CURRENT OF clause
- Ø Handling Exceptions
- Ø Define PL/SQL exceptions
- Ø Recognize unhandled exceptions
- Ø Handle different types of exceptions (pre-defined exceptions, non-predefined exceptions and user-defined exceptions)
- Ø Propagate exceptions in nested blocks and call applications
- Ø Creating Stored Procedures and Functions
- Ø Differentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms
- Ø Create a simple procedure and invoke it from an anonymous block
- Ø Create a simple function
- Ø Create a simple function that accepts a parameter
- Ø Differentiate between procedures and functions
Module III
[Oracle 11g: Forms & Reports]
- Ø Introduction to Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Forms Services
- Ø Running a Forms Developer Application
- Ø Creating LOVs and Editors
- Ø Creating Additional Input Item
- Ø Creating Noninput Items
- Ø Creating Windows and Content Canvases
- Ø Working with Other Canvas Types
- Ø Introduction to Triggers
- Ø Working in the Forms Developer Environment
- Ø Creating a Basic Form Module
- Ø Working with Data Blocks and Frames
- Ø Working with Text Items
- Ø Producing Triggers
- Ø Debugging Triggers
- Ø Adding Functionality to Items
- Ø Run Time Messages and Alerts
- Ø Query Triggers
- Ø Validation
- Ø Navigation
- Ø Transaction Processing
- Ø Writing Flexible Code
- Ø Sharing Objects and Code
- Ø Introducing Multiple Form Applications
- Ø Creating a Menu Module
- Ø Managing Menu Modules
- Ø Programming Function Keys
- Ø Building Multiple Form Applications
- Ø Defining Data Sources
- Ø Working with Record Groups
- Ø Using Database Objects in Forms Applications