Introduction to Advanced SQL with Oracle Training
Advanced SQL with Oracle Training Overview
This Oracle SQL training class helps students master SQL using an Oracle database and prepares students for a PL/SQL course. Note that this course is an Oracle SQL course, not a PL/SQL course.
Advanced SQL with Oracle Training Class Goals
- Learn to create Users and Schemas.
- Learn to use pseudo-columns and functions.
- Learn to write simple and correlated subqueries.
- Learn to write simple and complex joins.
- Learn to use ROLLUP and CUBE.
- Learn to use SET operators.
- Learn to use character and non-character SQL functions.
- Learn to write INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
- Learn to create tables.
- Learn to use keys and constraints to protect data integrity.
- Learn to use views, indexes, sequences, and synonyms.
Advanced SQL With Oracle Courseware
- Users and Schemas
- Introduction to Users and Schemas
- Definitions and Client Tools
- SQL Developer Login
- About the HR Schema
- Sample Schemas
- HR Schema Entities
- Creating An Application Schema
- Exercise: Create a User
- Pseudo Columns & Functions
- Using The Dual Table
- Functions
- Exercise: Use the SYSCONTEXT function
- Pseudo-Columns
- Using Rowid
- Using Rownum
- Exercise: Use ROWNUM
- Using Subqueries
- Simple Subqueries
- Definition
- Nested Subquery
- Inline Views
- Subquery in the HAVING clause
- Correlated Subqueries
- Scalar Subquery
- Exercise: Subqueries
- Joining Tables
- Review of Joins
- Equijoins
- Inner Joins
- Outer Joins
- Cross Joins
- Reflexive Join
- Non-Key Join
- Natural Joins
- Semijoins and Antijoins
- Using Named Subqueries
- Exercise: Join Exercises
- Enhancing Groups With Rollup & Cube
- About Group Processing
- Simple GROUP BY
- ROLLUP Function
- GROUPING Function
- Using Cube
- Exercise: Practice GROUP BY, ROLLUP and CUBE
- Using Set Operators
- Set Operators Defined
- Relationship to Mathematical Set Theory
- Restrictions on Set Operators
- Exercise: Set Operators Exercise
- Conditional Processing
- The DECODE Function
- The Case Expression
- Exercise: Conditional Processing
- SQL Functions (Character)
- What Are SQL Functions?
- Character Functions
- Regular Expressions
- Exercise: Character Functions
- SQL Functions (Non-Character)
- Numeric Functions
- The TO_CHAR Function with numbers
- Date/Time Functions
- Date Format Functions
- Date Arithmetic Functions
- Null Value Functions
- Exercise: SQL Non-Character Functions
- SQL Data Manipulation Language
- The INSERT Statement
- INSERT Statement Categories
- The UPDATE Statement
- The DELETE Statement
- Transactions
- Complex Table References
- The MERGE statement
- Exercise: Data Manipulation Language (DDL)
- SQL Data Definition Language
- About SQL DDL
- Create Table Statement
- Populate the table
- Alter Table Statement
- Drop Table Statement
- Truncate Table Statement
- Exercise: Data Definiton Language (DDL)
- Data Integrity Using Constraints
- About Constraints
- Unique Key
- Primary Key
- Referential Integrity
- Check Constraint
- Defining Constraints On Existing Tables
- Enabling & Disabling Constraints
- Renaming & Dropping Constraints
- Validate New Transactions Only
- Deferred Enforcement
- Constraint Exceptions
- Constraints And Views
- Exercise: Create Constraints Exercise
- Database Objects: Overview
- Database Objects
- Exercise: All Object Types
- Database Objects: Views
- Creating Views
- Updating View Data
- INSERT and UPDATE Statements
- DELETE Statements
- Exercise: Creating a View
- Database Objects: Indexes
- Types of Indexes
- Index Characteristics
- Index Usage
- Exercise: Index Exercise
- Other Database Objects
- Sequences
- Synonyms
- Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers
- Exercise: Sequence and Synonym Exercise