Trainings in Bangalore, Corporate Trainers, Placement Agency, PHP Framework, Zend Frameworks

White Box testing in Bangalore


Course Duration: 50 Hrs

Manual Testing

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Models

Water fall model.
piral model.
Prototype model.
V&V (Verification and Validation) model.
Hybrid model.
Basics of Software Testing.

Testing Types

a) White box testing or unit testing.

b) Black box testing.

c) Grey box testing.

Functional testing, Integration testing, System testing, Acceptance testing.
Smoke testing, Ad-hoc testing, Globalization testing, Exploratory testing.
Compatibility testing, Performance testing.
Regression testing, Recovery testing.
Installation testing, Un-installation testing.
Test Plan, Test case scenario, Test case Template
Procedure to write a Test case.
Traceability matrix.
Defect Life cycle /(Bug Life Cycle).
Defect Report.
Defect Tracking Tool.
Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).
Test Case Design Technique (TCDT).
Types of Test Plan.
Automation Verses Manual.

1. Variables

2. Rules for Naming a Variable

3. Variable Declaration

4. Data Types

5. Operators

6. Decision Statement

7. Loops

8. Arrays

9. Types Of System Function.

Character Function
Math Function
Date Function
Conversion Function
Verification Function
ADODB (Active Data Object of Database)

Creating A DSN

Quick Test Professional

Session 1


o Overview of Quick Test Professional

o Add-ins in Quick Test Professional

o Record & Play Overview

o Test Pane (Keyword view tab & Expert View tab)

o Test Details Pane (Active Screen)

o Run Modes (Normal & Fast)

Session 2

Object Identification
Object Repository(OR)
Adding Local objects and Modifying objects, in Object Repository(OR)
Object Identification(OI)Mechanism
Object Spy(OS)
Session 3

Normal Recording
Analog Recording
Low Level Recording
Session 4

Understanding & Using Checkpoints
Creating Standard Checkpoint
Creating a Text Checkpoint
Creating a Text Area Checkpoint
Creating Bitmap Checkpoint
Creating Database Checkpoint
Creating a Accessibility Checkpoint
Creating a XML Checkpoints(From requirement)
Creating a XML Checkpoints(From Application)
User Defined Checkpoints
Session 5

Synchronizing Quick Test
Using the synchronization point in the test and using Object sync Time-out(OST) statement
Using the synchronization point in the test and using Exist statement
Using the synchronization point in the test and using Wait property statement
User Defined Reporting
Using Reporter in test(Scripts)
Session 6

Working with Actions

Creating an New Action
Renaming an Action
Deleting an Action
Independent Action & Nested Action
External Action & Internal Action
Reusable & Non-Reusable Action
Difference b/n Function & Action
Session 7

Working with Data Tables & Parameterizing Tests

Overview of Data Tables & Data Sheets
Working with Global Sheets and Action Sheets
Test iteration & Action iteration
Importing Data from Data Table
Exporting Data from Data Table to External sheet
Using Data Table Parameters(Parameterization)
Using Regular Expressions
Different regular expression characters and their meaning(Wild Cards)
Applying regular expression for dynamically changing windows
Session 8

Descriptive Programming
Static Programming
Descriptive Programming
Applying Static Programming & Descriptive Programming in Windows/Web Applications
Session 9

Frame Works
Define Frame Work
Frame Work Diagram
Stages in Automation Frame Work
Creating Functional Library
Associating Functional Libraries
Global settings & Local settings
Initiation & Execution of Frameworks using VB scripting
Session 10

Additional Topics
Smart Identification
Virtual Objects
Shared Object Repository
Quality Center

Introduction and usage of Quality center
Management tool vs. Quality center
Creating Requirements in Quality center
Linking requirements with Test cases and Test Sets and Defects
Importing test cases into Quality center
Exporting test cases from Quality center to any file system
Creating a test cases in Quality center
Creating test sets in test lab
Adding test cases to test lab
Executing Manual and Automation test cases from QC
Defect Tracking
Entering defects into QC
Handling defects

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