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Oracle PL/SQL Training

Introduction to Oracle PL/SQL Training

Oracle PL/SQL Training Overview

The primary objective of this Oracle training class is to provide an introduction to the PL/SQL database programming language, based upon the latest features available in Oracle 10g.

Oracle PL/SQL Training Class Goals

  • Understand the environment and context in which PL/SQL operates.
  • Consider the advantages and benefits of PL/SQL within a database environment.
  • Learn to declare program variables and complex data types.
  • Learn to develop logic within PL/SQL program blocks.
  • Learn to fetch data from the database into program variables.
  • Learn to return program output to users.
  • Learn to handle program exceptions.
  • Learn to use explicit and implicit database cursors.
  • Learn to use the advanced features of nested blocks and subprograms.

Learn to take advantage of new features such as regular expression support and the handling of string literals within program code.

Oracle PL/SQL Courseware

  1. Language Features
    1. Understanding Pl/SQL
    2. Structure Of A Pl/SQL Program Block
    3. Pl/SQL From Interactive Tools
    4. Generating Output Within SQL*Plus
  2. Declare Clause
    1. About The Declare Clause
    2. Declare Simple Types
    3. Complex Types
  3. Begin Clause
    1. About The Begin Clause
    2. Performing Data Manipulation
    3. Logic Control & Branching
  4. Exception Clause
    1. About The Exception Clause
    2. Isolating The Specific Exception
  5. Explicit Cursors
    1. About Explicit Cursors
    2. Advanced Cursor Techniques
  6. Advanced Programming: Nested Blocks
    1. About The Advanced Features
    2. Using Nested Blocks
  7. Advanced Programming: Declared Subprograms


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